The German Sociological Society organized the 40th Congress as an online event from 14. to 24. September 2020 with the topical subject “Society under tension”. The theme paper and background information on the congress topic can be found at The title could not be more appropriate in the light of the current corona pandemic.

The multifaceted topics were presented and discussed in plenary sessions, ad hoc groups, and keynotes. The program was completed by publishing events and a “meet and greet” with authors. For example, the book “Die Corona Gesellschaft. Analysen zur Lage und Perspektiven für die Zukunft” by Michael Volkmer and Karin Werner was presented during a publishing coffee break.

The program is available at


From our junior research group KontiKat, the sociologist Fabienne Seifert attended the congress and presented a poster showing an overview of the ongoing work of the group as well as her qualification work and first findings of her fieldwork.

The poster was published on the conference homepage:




More detailed information about DGS can be found on the website:


Categories: Conference