With zooming on to small and medium enterprises (SME), we address a part of the civil society in Germany that was mostly rather disregarded in civil security research up till now. Predominantly, the majority of German economic sector is comprised of small and medium enterprises, having a maximum number of 249 employees, and an annual turnover of max. 50 million Euro, as per the stats of European Commission. In the regional district of Siegen-Wittgenstein, there is a huge number of very successful SMEs that operate nationally and globally. They are intertwined in complex (local, national and global) networks of supply, production and sales market and are concerned with the demands of increasing digitalisation. Together with the actors from SMEs, we analyse their recent challenges, their existing concepts for maintaining business continuity and how to be better prepared in times of crisis such as the blackout of critical infrastructure (power, IT), cyber-attacks etc.. Furthermore, based on the results of our qualitative and quantitative empirical studies, we also aim at the development of socio-technical support for the specific requirements of small and medium enterprises.