Margarita Grinko, M.Sc.

University of Siegen
Faculty III
Campus Unteres Schloss
BMBF junior research group KONTIKAT
Kohlbettstr. 15
Room US-E 113
57072 Siegen, Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 271/ 740 – 3660


Office hours: On appointment



Margarita Grinko studied Human-Computer Systems in Würzburg focusing on psychology and computer science before coming to Siegen in 2015. Here, she finished the Master of Science in Human-Computer Interaction in 2019, including a year abroad at the Keio University in Tokyo. As a student assistant, she supported the KontiKat project already during her Master’s, where she participated in publications on ICT and social media in crisis situations.
For her Master’s thesis, she travelled to Botswana to research via Design Case Studies how local human-lion conflict can be mitigated using interactive technological approaches within the LionAlert project. Since 2019, Margarita Grinko is a research assistant in the KontiKat project. Her research interests lie within the fields of Animal-Computer Interaction, Design Case Studies and Grounded Design. Based on LionAlert, her dissertation deals with implementing, evaluating and further developing a solution for a safer coexistence of humans and wildlife in Botswana as well as in Germany.




Margarita Grinko, Marc-André Kaufhold, Christian Reuter (2019) Adoption, Use and Diffusion of Crisis Apps in Germany: A Representative Survey, Mensch und Computer 2019, Florian Alt, Andreas Bulling, Tanja Döring (ed.), p. 263-274, Hamburg, Germany: ACM, pdf, doi:10.1145/3340764.3340782

Amanda Langer, Marc-André Kaufhold, Elena Runft, Christian Reuter, Margarita Grinko, Volkmar Pipek (2019) Counter Narratives in Social Media: An Empirical Study on Combat and Prevention of Terrorism, Proceedings of the Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), Zeno Franco, José J. González, José H. Canós (ed.), p. 746-755, València, Spain: ISCRAM Association, pdf

Marc-André Kaufhold, Margarita Grinko, Christian Reuter, Marén Schorch, Amanda Langer, Sascha Skudelny, Matthias Hollick (2019) Potentiale von IKT beim Ausfall kritischer Infrastrukturen: Erwartungen, Informationsgewinnung und Mediennutzung der Zivilbevölkerung in Deutschland, Proceedings of the International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), p. 1054-1068, Siegen, Germany: AIS, pdf

Marc-André Kaufhold, Alexis Gizikis, Christian Reuter, Matthias Habdank, Margarita Grinko (2019) Avoiding Chaotic Use of Social Media before, during, and after Emergencies: Design and Evaluation of Citizens' Guidelines, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management (JCCM) 27(3), p. 198-213, pdf, doi:10.1111/1468-5973.12249